Some of my musical heroes are shown here in pictures I have managed to gather as I have journeyed through the world of bluegrass and new acoustic music that I discovered through a former roommate back in 1981.  He said I had to check out this new record.  It was by some guy named Tony Rice.  It was called "Acoustics".   Shortly thereafter I went to a live show at some weird little shack out in the middle of the NC countryside called Green Acres Music Hall.  The band was called New Grass Revival.  That was all it took.


tonyben3.jpg (58483 bytes)    with Tony Rice at the original Handlebar in 1997

stuartduncan-ben.jpg (95357 bytes)     with Stuart Duncan at the original Handlebar in 1998

davidgrier-ben.jpg (105333 bytes)     with David Grier at Green Acres Music Hall in 1999

johncowan-ben.jpg (83034 bytes)     with John Cowan at the original Handlebar in 1999

stevemetcalf-benjpg.jpg (90855 bytes)     with Steve Metcalf at Green Acres Music Hall in 1999

Bryan-Ben2.jpg (52588 bytes)     with Bryan Sutton at the original Handlebar in 1999

stevemetcalf-mccourys.jpg (104499 bytes)     Steve Metcalf with Rob and Ronnie McCoury at the original Handlebar in 1998

Me and Del.jpg (23744 bytes)     with Del McCoury at the original Handlebar in 1998

jerry-ben.jpg (53125 bytes)     with Jerry Douglas at the original Handlebar in 1999

Me_and_Norman.jpg (65928 bytes)     with Norman Blake at the new Handlebar in 2000

sambush-ben.jpg (67781 bytes)     with Sam Bush at the new Handlebar in 2001

byronhouse-ben.jpg (68542 bytes)     with Byron House at the new Handlebar in 2001

jonrandlestewart-ben.jpg (82503 bytes)     with Jon Randall Stewart at the new Handlebar in 2001

BenandDoyle.jpg (70215 bytes)     with Doyle Lawson at the Goshinville Baptist Church in 2001

vassar-ben.jpg (89578 bytes)     with Vassar Clements at the Smilefest in 2002

Tony Rice's 1939 Martin D-28 Herringbone

The end for now...